Friday, March 21, 2014

What's Helping Me

For the first time in my life (basically), I've been following a workout and diet regime without dropping it in the first week. I'm now at a week and a half into this lifestyle change and I've noticed a few things that have been helping me stay strong with it.

1- Being able to truthfully check off the daily workout on the printout on the fridge. I love checking things off lists (and making them).

Gotta love The Office

2- Having a partner to keep cheering me on. I can get all the derogatory remarks from other people, but I need a cheerleader. Ginger has been great in asking if I've done my workout for the day and supporting me in this. This has been a huge help so far. I even got Ginger to go running with me tonight! Woohoo!

Funny story, Ginger actually does fire-stick twirling. It's super cool. Not like this.

3- This blog is helping too. I feel like I don't want to lie to you guys either, so I'm pushing myself so I can make a good honest report on Mondays.

4- I do the majority of the grocery shopping for us and I'm getting better about resisting my sugar fizzy drinks and chocolate biscuits from the supermarket (not that I don't wish I could have them, because man, the craving gets bad). I had to pick up some items today for us and I resisted getting anything not on the list. I feel better walking out of the supermarket knowing I didn't fall to temptation. It doesn't always happen, but that feeling is nice. I'm cheering myself on when I make a good food choice.

So as I'm sitting here, reflecting on my progress so far, and feeling the quiver in my legs telling me I worked out effectively today, I can smile a little bit.

What have you found to help keep you on the lean and healthy track?

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