Monday, March 24, 2014

Re-fit to Pregnancy: Update 3

Well, I'm back around this week for my check-in. In review, this week hasn't been as good as it could have been. I did more snacking than I should have and ate a few more cookies than necessary. Another week, another chance to get better. I've been exercising pretty well though, and I think that is helping a lot.

Arms: 14 inches (lost half an inch)

Bust: 43 (another half inch gone)

Waist: 37.5 (down one inch)

Hips: 46 (down half an inch)

Thigh: 27.5 (lost 1.5 inches)

Weight: 92.5 kg

The winner this week are my thigh measurements. When I started out it was at 29 inches. Last week I lost nothing on my thigh, but this week it took a plunge! I bet it's because I've been doing running 3x a week.

Overall, not a great week, but not a terrible one either. I just need to work a little bit harder.

I started reading a book from the library this weekend. I'm going to review it once I've finished it, but it's called Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads. It's a really good read, actually, and I'm learning a lot about what I should be doing regarding my food and will be implementing it once I've finished the book.

What have you found this week to be inspirational?

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